E-Commerce Starter

Free Domain
Shared Hosting with FTP Login
Responsive / Mobile Friendly Layout

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Multiple Currency Support
Multiple Language Support
Blog Inegration

Product management
Enquiry Management
Customer management
Shipping management
Order management
Customer invoice
Customer Feedback
Main Banner Managment
Newsletter Setup
Blog / Articles Management

Other Features
User Friendly Backend Panel
Webmail Setup & Configuration
5 Web mail free
Payment Gateway Integration
Monthly Server Health Checks
Free SSL Certificate For One Year
1 Year free support

E-Commerce Pro

Free Domain
Shared Hosting with FTP Login
Responsive / Mobile Friendly Layout

Sign Up, Sign In, Forget Password
My Account
Shopping Cart
Product Listing
Product Detail Page
Multiple Product Image
Real Zoom On Product Images
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Latest Arrivals
Guest Checkout
Single Page Checkout
Discount Coupon
Shipping Methods
Contact us
Live Chat
Customer Feedback
Multiple Currency Support
Multiple Language Support
Blog Inegration

Product management
Enquiry Management
Customer management
Shipping management
Order management
Customer invoice
Customer Feedback
Main Banner Managment
Newsletter Setup
Blog / Articles Management

Other Features
User Friendly Backend Panel
Webmail Setup & Configuration
5 Web mail free
Payment Gateway Integration
Monthly Server Health Checks
Free SSL Certificate For One Year
1 Year free support
Spam Protection
Monthly Health Checks
Monthly Antivirus Scan
Monthly website backup

Website Training Up to 2 Hrs by Zoom / Google Meet

E-Commerce Pro = SEO

Free Domain
Shared Hosting with FTP Login
Responsive / Mobile Friendly Layout

Sign Up, Sign In, Forget Password
My Account
Shopping Cart
Product Listing
Product Detail Page
Multiple Product Image
Real Zoom On Product Images
Write A Review
Email To Friend
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Similar Products
Latest Arrivals
Guest Checkout
Single Page Checkout
Discount Coupon
Shipping Methods
Contact us
Live Chat
Customer Feedback
Multiple Currency Support
Multiple Language Support
Blog Inegration

Product management
Enquiry Management
Customer management
Shipping management
Order management
Customer invoice
Customer Feedback
Main Banner Managment
Newsletter Setup
Blog / Articles Management

Other Features
User Friendly Backend Panel
Webmail Setup & Configuration
5 Web mail free
Payment Gateway Integration
Monthly Server Health Checks
Free SSL Certificate For One Year
1 Year free support
Spam Protection
Monthly Health Checks
Monthly Antivirus Scan
Monthly website backup

Basic On Page SEO Optimization
Google Analytics
Google Search Console
Robot .txt creation
Search engine submission
XML site map creation
Meta tag implementation
Content optimization
Image optimization
Search Engine Friendly URLs
Cloud Flare (CDN)
Full Optimizations of All pages
SEO Plugins

Website Training Up to 2 Hrs by Zoom / Google Meet

  • Website completion will take 30-45 working days to complete.
  • 1 year free support doesn’t include content management of website
  • Content should be provided from client side. If you wan to hire our content writer then Rs.5000 for 10 page content writing.
  • Website charges will be for 1 time, there will be only Domain and Hosting renew charges, which will be Rs.5,000/- per year.
  • Logo should be provided from client side. If you want to get your logo to be designed then please contact us.
  • All Above Packages Prices Excluding 18% GST